Searching for housing
Boplats Växjö is the municipal housing agency for those looking for housing in the Växjö area. Boplats Växjö has two different housing queues; one for apartments (which we call the housing queue) and one for student apartments (the student housing queue). The housing queue costs 100 SEK per year from the year you turn 20. You can register from the year you turn 17. The student housing queue is free of charge.
Once you've created an account and paid the fee, you can start searching for housing. You will begin collecting queue points from the day you register.
My pages (Mina sidor)
On "My pages" External link. you can see your current number of queue points, edit your profile and accesss your subscription settings. You can also submit new applications, see your previous applications and accept or decline offers.
Queue points
Your queue points are specific to you and cannot be combined with someone else's points or transferred to another person.
Things to consider:
- If you are in the housing queue and sign a lease, you will automatically be reactivated in the housing queue. Your points will be recalculated based on the points of the applicants behind you in the queue.
- If you sign a lease for student housing, your points will be reset to zero and you will need to re-register for the student housing queue to begin collecting points again.
- If you sign a lease via Direkt, your queue points will not be affected and you do not need to re-register for the queue.
The fee for the housing queue is 100 SEK per year from the year you turn 20 years old.
The student housing queue is free of charge, regardless of your age.
Housing suggestions
In "My pages" External link., you can select your preferred types of apartments and neighborhoods. Click on "My applications", then "Subscriptions" and select the housing queue you want edit preferences in. When an apartment that matches your preferences becomes available, you will automatically receive a notification via e-mail. If you have not entered an e-mail address, you will need to log in to "My pages"
External link. to see your notifications.
If you don't have an email address, you can create one or ask a relative if you can enter their email address in your profile. That way, you will always be updated when new listings are published. If you need help getting started, you are welcome to visit Växjö municipality's contact center at Norra Järnvägsgatan 7 in Växjö.
Search filtering
To search for listings with features such as increased accessibility, first floor, etc., select the type of housing you are looking for, then click on "Search filter" then "Wishes".
Apartment applications
If you have submitted an application for an apartment, a final date will be presented where you must answer yes or no. The apartment offer is valid for at least five days. It is important that you accept or decline within this timeframe.
A co-applicant is a person who intends to live in the housing unit together with the main applicant. Spouses/partners, prospective partners and siblings can be approved as co-applicants. If either applicant submits an application that leads to a lease agreement, both applicants will be on the lease.
You can add a co-applicant by going to "My applications", then "Co-applicant" and clicking on "New co-applicant". The co-applicant also needs to be registered as an applicant in order to be linked as a co-applicant and upload the required certificates to their applicant profile. If this is not done on time, Vidingehem will remove the co-applicant, and the contract will only apply to the main applicant.
Lease agreement
To sign a lease agreement, you must:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- If needed, provide acceptable proof of a cosigner agreement.
- Display a history of paying rent on time and without rent arrears.
- If you are a student, you must present your letter of acceptance to Linnaeus University and be actively enrolled in classes.
- Be able to afford rent with your current income. Acceptable forms of income include employment, pension, unemployment benefits, capital income, student loans, sickness benefits, grants or scholarships.
For further questions about lease agreements, contact Vidingehem by phone at 0470-59 90 00 or by email at
Keep your contact details up to date
We kindly ask that you log in once every six months to check that your contact details on "My Pages" External link. are correct so that you don't miss any important information.
It is not possible to receive any sort of special priority in the housing queue. However, a certain quota of housing options are set aside for residents with specific accessibility needs and/or socio-economic situations.
Tips for finding housing
- Visit often. We publish new listings regularly.
- Explore new areas - Växjö is growing rapidly. New neighborhoods are popping up all over and existing neighborhoods are growing and evolving.
- Advertise in newspapers, social media and on internet classifieds pages.
- Search among private landlords.
Boplats Växjö
Visiting address
Växjö municipality contact center
Norra Järnvägsgatan 7, Växjö
Opening hours
Monday - Friday
07.30 - 16.30