Environmental goals for Växjö
In autumn 2019 there was a new steering document called "Sustainable Växjö 2030". It is a local document for the sustainable development based on UNs Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
2014 the Växjö City Council approved a revised environmental program for the municipality. The environmental program contains visionary objectives for the 2030 and measurable goals till 2020. Environmental Programme , 331 kB, opens in new window. is also broadening and deepening environmental work in the municipality.
The programme includes environmental and climate targets for the local level, Växjö and includes an Environmental Policy and three profile areas: Living life, Our Nature and Fossil Fuel Free Växjö.
The targets are steered and followed-up by the financial system.
Växjö Municipality also has plans for example Energy plan, Transport plan, Chemicals plan. The Transport plan was adopted 2014, by the City Council. A sustainable urban mobility plan, that describes how Växjö will handle the challenges related to growing from a small town to a city with regional accessibility and sustainability.