Diversity enriches

Our aim is to harness the differences, abilities, and creative power of our citizens. In Växjö Municipality, we work towards creating conditions whereby power and influence are divided fairly across all sections of our civil society.

The right of protection from discrimination is a central tenet of basic human rights, as well as a key element of the Swedish Discrimination Act. Our plan for equal rights is based on these regulations. Discrimination, either direct or indirect, is forbidden. We believe ideas regarding diversity should feature in all of the municipality's sectors of activity, as well as being included in budget, planning, and development work. Växjö Municipality aims to harness and develop the benefits of diversity. And through mutual respect, openness, and an understanding of our differences, we hope to reach our goals.

We envisage a municipality recognised for its growth, and spirit of enterprise. A society based on democratic values and sustainability. Utilising the diversity of our citizens gives us a key competitive advantage in our endeavour to become a municipality where people, organisations, and companies grow and take responsibility.The Municipality of Växjö runs goal-orientated initiatives promoting equal rights, obligations, and opportunities among its citizens, giving rise to good living conditions for all.

Discrimination, either direct or indirect, is forbidden. We believe ideas regarding diversity should feature in all of the municipality's sectors of activity, as well as being included in budget, planning, and development work. In addition, all of our committees and municipal boards are expected to contribute towards achieving our targets regarding diversity. Växjö Municipality aims to harness and develop the benefits of diversity. And through mutual respect, openness, and an understanding of our differences, we hope to reach our goals.


We aim to create a living, thriving democracy in which there is respect for human rights, and where our citizens have the opportunity to shape and influence events. Individual citizens should be given more opportunities to actively participate; it is crucial they make their voice heard. Openness, participation, integrity, freedom of speech, and the rule of law are basic requirements in order for an individual to participate in, and have confidence in, the municipality.

Gender equality

Gender equality means giving women and men equal rights and opportunities with which to shape their lives. We are committed to creating municipal sectors whose work is consciously underpinned by the pursuit of equal opportunity.

We envisage Växjö Municipality as an example to other municipalities and employers, in the area of equality. Our aim is to achieve an equal distribution of power and influence between men and women, girls and boys. All services and activities provided to our citizens are intended to be of the same quality, regardless of gender.


Växjö Municipality aims to provide everyone with equal rights, obligations, and opportunities regardless of ethnic or cultural background. Everyone should be able to live and grow up in a safe environment and have faith in the future. Our citizens have the right to a municipality that has respect for diversity. The services we provide should be equally accessible, of an equal quality, and equally well adapted, for all.


All disabled people are to be given the same opportunities to take part in all sectors of society. Disabled people have the same rights and obligations as others. However, shortcomings in the environment can be seen as obstacles. The municipality have special responsibility for individual initiatives regarding the disabled environment. All support programmes introduced for individuals are intended to promote an independent, meaningful, and autonomous life.

Children and youth

Växjö Municipality aims to provide children and youth with a good standard of living. They must be acknowledged and respected by all sectors of municipal activity. All decisions made at committee and board level are to be examined from a child's perspective. All children are considered equal, and should enjoy the same rights and opportunities, regardless of who they are and where they live.

Sexual orientation

Växjö Municipality Växjö is committed to a society characterized by diversity and respect for each other's differences. Everyone should have the same rights, obligations, and opportunities regardless of sexual orientation, transgender identity or expression. The services provided in the community should be equally accessible for all. Services provided by the municipality should be equally accessible for all. Växjö Municipality is committed to work actively to improve knowledge regarding conditions for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people (the LGBT community).


Senast uppdaterad: 3 November 2023